Amidst the onslaught of corporate entertainment, crafted gimmickry, and over-hyped star spangled emptiness, Robbie Howard stands apart. He is an entertainer generously endowed with a rare quality — he is immensely and undeniably entertaining.
From the moment the singer and vocal impressionist takes the stage, he claims his audience. With an eclectic repertoire aimed squarely at the baby boomer set, Howard’s charismatic appeal crosses virtually all age, gender, and cultural barriers. His uniquely captivating style remains astonishingly intimate, even as he creates a dizzying sea of vocal impressions and characters to dazzles his audience to the very last row of the largest venue.
The cast of characters Howard incarnates is astonishing, brilliantly brought to life and guaranteed to induce a flood of memories and flashbacks. Rather than join the tired league of traditional impressionists, Howard uniquely captures the character and essence of the voice and style of great pop icons such as The Eagles, Shaggy, Jim Morrison, Jimmy Buffet, Green Day, The Righteous Brothers, Eric Clapton, John Lennon, Garth Brooks, Cat Stevens, Tom Jones, Randy Travis, Bob Dylan, Joe Cocker, Barry Manilow, even the, cast of Family Guy! They each get a moment with the microphone, capturing the hearts and laughter of delighted crowds.
A cast member of the world famous Legends in Concert, and Las Vegas’ The Rat Pack is Back. Robbie portrays The Chairman of the Board Frank Sinatra as well as his Rat Pack pal Dean Martin in a classic Las Vegas segment which includes, Sammy Davis Jr, Johnny Carson, Redd Foxx, Bobby Vinton, Wayne Newton, Louis Prima a hilarious Julio Isglasias, topped off with a 3 minute crash course in Elvis Impersonating.
Mr. Howard has been headlining acts in Las Vegas for more than ten years, and never fails to offer a refreshing and hilarious alternative to the colored lights and fleeting fads that come and go. His hit shows “Hurray America”and “Stars of the Strip” sold out for over a decade in Las Vegas, His impressive list of corporate clients includes Sony, Marantz, Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonalds, and numerous others.